Idea is to catch dbus messages generated when screen locked and unlocked and then use playerctl tool to control playback. This heavily modified approach from Reddit
- install playerctl. How to do it depends on you distro, for Debian it just
apt install playerctl
- Put following scrip somewhere in your home folder. ~/.local/scripts is a good place as any. Make it executable and ensure that nobody but you can write to it. Put following to ~/.local/scripts/ for example.
#!/usr/bin/bash RESUME="No" PLAYERS=() /usr/bin/dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.gnome.ScreenSaver'" | while read x; do case "$x" in *"boolean true"*) # Lock and unlock signal are getting sent twice for some reason. So be sure that we test only once. if test $RESUME = "No" then A=(`/usr/bin/playerctl -l | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN { a = ""; }; { a = a ""$1" "; }; END { print a };'`) for i in "${A[@]}" do if test `/usr/bin/playerctl status -p "$i"` = "Playing" then PLAYERS+=($i); fi done if test ${#PLAYERS[@]} -gt 0 then RESUME="Yes" for i in "${PLAYERS[@]}" do /usr/bin/playerctl pause -p "$i" echo $i "was paused" done fi fi;; *"boolean false"*) if test $RESUME = "Yes" then for i in "${PLAYERS[@]}" do /usr/bin/playerctl play -p "$i" echo $i "was resumed" done RESUME="No" PLAYERS=() fi;; esac done
What does do. It listen to “org.gnome.ScreenSaver” events using dbus-monitor. when signal received ( for some reason that signal is sent twice ) it records all players which are plying in PLAYERS variable and then pause them. On unlock it will send “play” message to these players. “org.gnome.ScreenSaver” is Gnome Shell specific message, to use this script with XFCE KDE etc you will need to modify signal name and match criteria.
- Make it start automatically in background on login. My system already smeared by systemd, so simplest way is to use it to run it.
- Create a file
with content[Unit] Description=Pause all media when screen is locked [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=%h/.local/scripts/ Restart=on-abort [Install]
Enable it by running
systemctl enable --user pause-media-when-lockscreen
And start it manually in first time
systemctl start --user pause-media-when-lockscreen
- Create a file
You can always check what script is trying to do by looking in ssystemd status on journalctl output.
systemctl status --user pause-media-when-lockscreen